In Academic Journals
Petriglieri, J.L. & Obodaru, O. (2018) Secure-base Relationships as Drivers of Professional Identity Development in Dual-career Couples. Administrative Science Quarterly, [download].
Petriglieri, G., Petriglieri, J.L. & Wood, J.D. (2018) Fast tracks and inner journeys: Crafting portable selves for contemporary careers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63(3): 479-525.[download]
Petriglieri, J.L. (2015) Co-creating Relationship Repair: Pathways to Reconstructing Destabilized Organizational Identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(3): 518-557. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2015) Can Business Schools Humanize Leadership? Academy of Management Learning and Education, 14(4): 625-647. [download]
Galunic, C., Sengupta, K. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2013) Deus ex machina? Career progress and the contingent benefits of Knowledge Management Systems. European Journal of Management 32(1): 13-23. [download]
Petriglieri, J.L. (2011) Under Threat: Responses to and the consequences of threats to individuals’ identities. Academy of Management Review, 36(4): 641-662.[download]
Petriglieri, G., Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2011) Up Close and Personal: Developing Foundations for Leader Development through Personalization of Management Learning.Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10(3): 430-450.[download]
Ibarra, H. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2010) Identity Work and Play. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 23(1): 10-25.[download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2010) Identity Workspaces: The Case of Business Schools. Academy ofManagement Learning and Education, 9(1): 44-60.[download]
Book Chapters
Ibarra, H. & Petriglieri, J.L. (2017) “Impossible Selves: Image Strategies and Identity Threat in Professional Women’s Career Transitions.” In Storberg-Walker, J. & Haber-Curran, P. (Eds.) “Theorizing women and leadership: new insights and contributions from multiple perspectives” Information Age Publishing: 19-36.
Petriglieri, J.L. & Devine, B. (2016) Mobilizing Organizational Action Against Identity Threats: The Role of Organizational Members Perceptions and Responses. In Ashforth, B; Pratt, M; Ravasi, D. & Schultz, M. (Eds.) The Handbook of Organizational Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 239-256.